H11-879_V2.0 HCIE-Collaboration (Written) V2.0 Exam Dumps
How to Pass Huawei H11-879_V2.0 exam easily? - Passcert HCIE-Enterprise Communication H11-879_V2.0 dumps
Huawei exams are quite popular among test takers and employers alike. They are also famous for quick changes in curriculum and unpredictable modifications in course. So Huawei is a difficult vendor to approach. However, we are proud of ourHuaweiH11-879_V2.0 products and have had splendid results with them. We at Passcert take great pride in serving our customers and that is why we do not like to see any of our cherished customers be unsuccessful in any exam.
Share some HCIE-Enterprise Communication H11-879_V2.0 exam questions and answers below.
Which statement is correct about Huawei's video network recording and broadcasting solution?
A. Only the SMC interface and telepresence central control interface can control recording and playback.
B. The terminal recording and broadcasting request will be sent to the MCU, and then the MCU will perform unified recording and broadcasting operations.
C. When the meeting ends, the recording server will return the recording address to SMC, and SMC will notify the user via email to watch on-demand.
D. Support point-to-point recording and local recording
Answer: C
If the SMC conference administrator does not enable conference recording when booking a meeting, which of the following operations can he use to enable recording during the meeting?
A. Enter the conference control interface>Details>Recording to start recording.
B. Notify the SMC system administrator to perform the following operations: Device management recording server > Start recording
C. Enter the conference control interface>More>Recording to start recording
D. Unable to start recording
Answer: C
Which statement is correct about Huawei's video network recording and broadcasting solution?
A. Only the SMC interface and telepresence central control interface can control recording and playback.
B. The terminal recording and broadcasting request will be sent to the MCU, and then the MCU will perform unified recording and broadcasting operations.
C. When the meeting ends, the recording server will return the recording address to SMC, and SMC will notify the user via email to watch on-demand.
D. Support point-to-point recording and local recording
Answer: C
What is the core reason why video conferencing supports public and private network traversal?
A. There is a firewall or NAT, so public and private network traversal must be supported.
B. Signaling and media transmission channels are not unified
C. There is a media transmission address in the signaling, and the NAT device only performs address translation on the IP header, so public and private network traversal processing is required.
D. Because the network performs address translation on IP packets
Answer: C
The video system is a value-added service based on the communication network that integrates multiple media processing, including () media communication.
A. Message communication
B. Audio communication
C. Video communication
D. Data communications
Answer: BCD
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