JN0-223 Automation and DevOps, Associate (JNCIA-DevOps) Dumps

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At Passcert we are striving hard to provide you the complete balanced formulation to pass JN0-223 exam successfully. We aim that you get the JN0-223 exam full information that is actually required to pass this JN0-223 exam. So our Passcert get the latest JN0-223 Automation and DevOps, Associate (JNCIA-DevOps) Dumps which are prepared by our certified professionals. Our JN0-223 Automation and DevOps, Associate (JNCIA-DevOps) Dumps are quality controlled and most updated edition and the most unique of all is the JN0-223 Automation and DevOps, Associate (JNCIA-DevOps) Dumps which provides you with the online examination experience.
Share some JNCIA-DevOps JN0-223 exam questions and answers below.
You are asked to create a playbook that will be able to run the get_system_alarm_information remote procedure call.
Which Ansible Galaxy module would you use to accomplish this task?
A. juniper_junos_config
B. juniper_junos_command
C. juniper_junos_system
D. juniper_junos_rpc
Answer: D

Which statement is correct about XML element nodes?
A. The element node is the value assigned within an opening and closing tag pair.
B. An element node cannot be nested with another element node.
C. The element node is defined by the first opening and closing tag pair of the XML document.
D. An element node consists of everything between an opening and closing tag pair.
Answer: D

What are two advantages of the DevOps approach to network automation? (Choose two.)
A. to lower cost
B. to improve quality
C. to perform manual configuration tasks
D. to rotate job roles
Answer: A, B

Which two statements about the waterfall model of software development are true? (Choose two.)
A. One phase of development must be completed before the next phase can start.
B. Multiple phases of development can be worked on simultaneously, everything must be finished before production.
C. This method lacks flexibility.
D. This method provides a way to make changes quickly and add new features on demand.
Answer: A, C

Ansible playbooks are written in which format?
D. Python
Answer: C

How to Pass Juniper JN0-223 exam easily? - Passcert JNCIA-DevOps JN0-223 dumps

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