Salesforce Data Cloud Accredited Professional Exam Dumps

How to Pass Salesforce Salesforce Data Cloud exam easily? - Passcert Accredited Professional Certification Salesforce Data Cloud dumps

All the Salesforce Data Cloud Accredited Professional Exam Dumps are checked and reproduced by our professionals who have hands-on experience in their field. Our professionals carry multiple certifications at a time and are true perpetual students in their fields. Besides this, their real-world experience is "cherry on the top" giving you the best training material in the entire market.

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Share some Accredited Professional Certification Salesforce Data Cloud exam questions and answers below.
Which two applications automatically create activation targets at the time the application is connected to Data Cloud?
A. Personalization powered by Interaction Studio
B. Amazon S3
C. B2C Commerce
D. Marketing Cloud Engagement
Answer: AC

An organization wants to enable users with the ability to identify and select text attributes from a picklist of options.
Which Data Cloud feature can help with this use case?
A. Transformation Formulas
B. Data Harmonization
C. Value Suggestion
D. Global Picklists
Answer: C

What component of Calculated Insights can be included as attribute data in an activation?
A. Metrics and Dimensions
B. Dimensions
C. Metrics
D. Filters
Answer: B

Which two steps are required when configuring a Marketing Cloud activation?
A. Set an Activation Schedule
B. Select an Activation Target
C. Add Additional Attributes
D. Select Contact Points
Answer: BD

Which two statements about Data Cloud's Web and Mobile App connector are true?
A. Any Data Streams associated with Web or Mobile connector app will be automatically deleted upon deleting the app from Data Cloud Setup
B. Data Cloud administrators can see the status of a Web or Mobile connector app on the app details page
C. Tenant Specific Endpoint is auto-generated in Data Cloud when setting up a Mobile or Web app connection
D. Mobile and Web SDK schema can be updated to delete an existing field
Answer: B, C

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