Adobe Commerce Architect Master AD0-E718 Dumps

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Share some Adobe Commerce AD0-E718 exam questions and answers below.
An Adobe Commerce Architect notices that queue consumers close TCP connections too often on Adobe Commerce Cloud server leading to delays in processing messages.
The Architect needs to make sure that consumers do not terminate after processing available messages in the queue when CRON job is running these consumers.
How should the Architect meet this requirement?
A.Increase multiple_process limit to spawn more processes for each consumer.
B.Set CONSUMER_WAIT_FOR_MAX_MESSAGES variable true in deployment stage.
C.Change max_messages from 10,000 to 1,000 for CRON_CONSUMER_RUNNERvariable.
Answer: B

An Adobe Commerce Architect needs to set up two websites on a single Adobe Commerce instance with base
URLs: and
How should the Architect configure this project so that both websites can use the same customer base?
A.Change Session Cookie attribute to "SameSite=None"
B.Disable Session Validation for "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR" header
C.Set Cookie Domain for both websites to ""
Answer: C

An Adobe Commerce Architect notices that the product price index takes too long to execute. The store is configured with multiple websites and dozens of customer groups.
Which two ways can the Architect shorten the full price index execution time? (Choose two.)
A.Enable price index customer group merging for products without tier prices
B.Set Customer Share Customer Accounts Option to Global
C.Edit customer groups to exclude websites that they are not using
D.Set MaGE_INDEXER_THREADS_COUNT environment variable to enable parallel mode
E.Move catalog price_index indexer to another custom indexer group
Answer: A, D

An Adobe Commerce Architect needs to log the result of a ServiceClass : : ge-Dara method execution after all plugins have executed. The method is public, and there are a few plugins declared for this method. Among those plugins are after and around types, and all have sortOrder specified. Which solution should be used to meet this requirement?
A. Declare a new plugin with the sortOrder value higher than the highest declared plugin sortOrder and implement afterGetData method.
B. Declare a new plugin with the sortOrder value lower than the lowest declared plugin sortOrder and implement aroundGetData method
C. Declare a new plugin with the sortOrder value higher than the highest declared plugin sortOrder and implement aroundGetData method
Answer: C

A representative of a small business needs an Adobe Commerce Architect to design a custom integration of a third-party payment solution. They want to reduce the list of controls identified in their Self-Assessment Questionnaire as much as possible to achieve PCI compliance for their existing Magento application. Which approach meets the business needs?
A. Utilize the payment provider Iframe system to isolate content of the embedded frame from the parent web page.
B. Utilize the Advanced Encryption standard (AES-256) algorithm to encrypt all customer-sensitive data from the payment module.
C. Utilize a trusted signed certificate issued by a Certification Authority (CA) to secure each connection made by the payment solution protocol via HTTPS.
Answer: C

How to Pass Adobe AD0-E718 exam easily? - Passcert Adobe Commerce AD0-E718 dumps

Adobe AD0-E718 exam is an important part of Adobe certification and Passcert has the latest Adobe Commerce Architect Master AD0-E718 Dumps to prepare you for this test.Passcert Adobe Commerce Architect Master AD0-E718 Dumps provides you an easy online solution to your Adobe AD0-E718 exam Preparation. With Passcert Adobe Commerce Architect Master AD0-E718 Dumps,you will find it easy to pass your AD0-E718 exam.Passcert guarantees that you will be easily able to succeed in your AD0-E718 Certification Exam.

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There are many ways to help you pass Adobe certification AD0-E718 exam. Passcert can provide you Adobe Commerce Architect Master AD0-E718 Dumps and high-quality reference information for you to participate in theAdobe certificationAD0-E718 exam. Passcert Adobe Commerce Architect Master AD0-E718 Dumps are based on the research of Adobe certification AD0-E718 examination Outline. Therefore, the high quality and high authoritative Adobe Commerce Architect Master AD0-E718 Dumps provided by Passcert can definitely do our best to help you pass Adobe certification AD0-E718 exam. Passcert will continue to update the information about Adobe certification AD0-E718 exam to meet your need.