H11-861_V3.0-ENU HCIP-Collaboration V3.0 Certification Dumps

If you plan to take the H11-861_V3.0-ENU HCIP-Collaboration V3.0 exam, we want to offer our highest recommendation for the H11-861_V3.0-ENU HCIP-Collaboration V3.0 Certification Dumps from Passcert. These H11-861_V3.0-ENU HCIP-Collaboration V3.0 Certification Dumps include real H11-861_V3.0-ENU questions and their corresponding answers, which will provide you with the much-needed familiarity with the exam objectives. After investing your time and efforts in studying these H11-861_V3.0-ENU HCIP-Collaboration V3.0 Certification Dumps, we are confident that you will be well-prepared and you'll pass the exam with flying colors.

H11-861_V3.0-ENU HCIP-Collaboration V3.0 Certification Dumps

HCIP-Collaboration V3.0 Certification

Passing the HCIP-Collaboration V3.0 certification proves that you have systematically understood and mastered the technologies of audio and video, H.323 and SIP protocols, system networking design and implementation, system O&M, and troubleshooting in the collaboration field, and are capable of network design, O&M, and troubleshooting of Huawei video conferencing systems. With the HCIP-Collaboration V3.0 certification, you are qualified for positions such as technical engineers,O&M engineers in the collaboration field.

Exam Details








Question Type

Single Answer, Multiple Answer, True-false, Fill in the blank, Drag and drop





Passing/Total score

600 / 1000

HCIP-Collaboration V3.0 Exam Knowledge Point

Knowledge Point


Intelligent Collaboration Solution Overview


IdeaHub Product Features, Industry Applications, and Basic Operations


Audio Technology (Advanced Training)


Video Technology (Advanced Training)


SIP Protocol (Advanced Training)


H.323 Protocol (Advanced Training)


Networking Design and Implementation of the Video Conferencing System


Video Conferencing System O&M and Troubleshooting


Intelligent Collaboration Solution Overview

● Overview of Huawei Collaboration

● Introduction to Collaboration Products

● Collaboration Solution Features

● Application Scenarios of Collaboration Solutions for Industries

Introduction to IdeaHub and Industry Applications

● Product Overview

● Functions and Features

● Typical Applications

IdeaHub Basic Operations

● Whiteboard

● Remote Meeting

● Screen Projection


● AI and Other Operations

Audio Technology (Advanced Training)

● Basic Acoustics

● Key VoIP Technologies

● Common Audio Problems

Video Technology (Advanced Training)

● Basic Knowledge About Video Images

● Video Image Processing

● Common Video Image Problems

SIP Protocol (Advanced Training)

● SIP Principles

● Wireshark

● Typical SIP Conference Service Process

H.323 Protocol (Advanced Training)

● H.323 Protocol Principles

● Typical H.323 Conference Service Process

Networking Design and Implementation of the Video Conferencing System

● Diversified Deployment Scenarios

● Principles of Video Conferencing

● Basic Principles of Public-Private Network Traversal

● Typical Networking of the Video Conferencing System

Video Conferencing System O&M

● User and Conference Room Management

● Device Management

● Maintenance and Management

Video Conferencing System Troubleshooting

● Basic Knowledge

● Typical Troubleshooting Cases

What are the Best Way to Prepare for HCIP-Collaboration V3.0 H11-861_V3.0-ENU Exam?

To optimize your preparation for the HCIP-Collaboration V3.0 H11-861_V3.0-ENU Exam, consider the following strategies:

1. Understand the exam pattern and syllabus thoroughly: The first step in your preparation should be a thorough understanding of the exam pattern, the types of questions that will be asked, and the syllabus. This will give you a clear idea of what to expect in the exam and help you strategize your preparation accordingly.

2. Review the knowledge points and their respective percentages to prioritize your study: Each knowledge point in the syllabus carries a certain weightage. To make the most of your study time, focus more on the topics with higher percentages. This doesn't mean you should neglect the other topics, but it can help you prioritize your study time effectively.

3. Use comprehensive study guides and practice tests: Study guides provide a comprehensive review of the topics covered in the exam. They are designed to help you understand and recall the material more effectively. Additionally, practice tests can help you familiarize yourself with the format of the exam and the types of questions asked. They can also help you assess your understanding of the material and identify areas where you might need to focus more study time.

4. Regularly revise the topics covered in the exam: Regular revision is crucial to retaining the information you've learned. Make it a habit to review the topics you've studied at regular intervals. This will not only help reinforce your understanding but will also help you retain the information in the long run.

5. Maintain a consistent study schedule: Consistency is key when it comes to studying for an exam. Set a regular study schedule and stick to it. This will help you manage your time effectively and ensure that you cover all the topics in the syllabus.

In conclusion, you can get detailed information about the H11-861_V3.0-ENU HCIP-Collaboration V3.0 exam and outlines key strategies for exam preparation. Thorough understanding of the exam pattern, prioritizing study based on the weightage of knowledge points, leveraging comprehensive study guides and practice tests, regular revision, and maintaining a consistent study schedule are all crucial components of effective preparation. The H11-861_V3.0-ENU HCIP-Collaboration V3.0 Certification Dumps from Passcert are also highly recommended as they include actual exam questions and answers, ensuring familiarity with exam objectives and improving chances of success.