HashiCorp Certified: Vault Associate VA-002-P Dumps

If you are aiming to successfully pass the VA-002-P HashiCorp Certified: Vault Associate exam in a timely manner, it is crucial that you have a comprehensive learning guide that encompasses all the necessary content and knowledge needed to excel in the VA-002-P exam. Passcert offers the most up-to-date and relevant HashiCorp Certified: Vault Associate VA-002-P Dumps covering every essential topic and concept required to confidently pass the HashiCorp VA-002-P exam on your first attempt. With our HashiCorp Certified: Vault Associate VA-002-P Dumps, you can enhance your understanding and grasp of the exam content, ensuring that you are fully equipped to tackle any challenge that may come your way during the VA-002-P exam.

HashiCorp Certified: Vault Associate VA-002-P Dumps

HashiCorp Certified: Vault Associate (002)

The Vault Associate certification is for Cloud Engineers specializing in security, development, or operations who know the basic concepts, skills, and use cases associated with HashiCorp Vault. Candidates will be best prepared for this exam if they have professional experience using Vault in production, but performing the exam objectives in a personal demo environment may also be sufficient. This person understands what enterprise features exist and what can and cannot be done using the Community offering.

Exam Details

Assessment Type: Multiple choice

Format: Online proctored

Duration: 1 hour

Price: $70.50 USD

Language: English

Expiration: 2 years

Exam Objectives

Compare authentication methods

Describe authentication methods

Choose an authentication method based on use case

Differentiate human vs. system auth methods

Create Vault policies

Illustrate the value of Vault policy

Describe Vault policy syntax: path

Describe Vault policy syntax: capabilities

Craft a Vault policy based on requirements

Assess Vault tokens

Describe Vault token

Differentiate between service and batch tokens. Choose one based on use-case

Describe root token uses and lifecycle

Define token accessors

Explain time-to-live

Explain orphaned tokens

Create tokens based on need

Manage Vault leases

Explain the purpose of a lease ID

Renew leases

Revoke leases

Compare and configure Vault secrets engines

Choose a secret method based on use case

Contrast dynamic secrets vs. static secrets and their use cases

Define transit engine

Define secrets engines

Utilize Vault CLI

Authenticate to Vault

Configure authentication methods

Configure Vault policies

Access Vault secrets

Enable Secret engines

Configure environment variables

Utilize Vault UI

Authenticate to Vault

Configure authentication methods

Configure Vault policies

Access Vault secrets

Enable Secret engines

Be aware of the Vault API

Authenticate to Vault via Curl

Access Vault secrets via Curl

Explain Vault architecture

Describe the encryption of data stored by Vault

Describe cluster strategy

Describe storage backends

Describe the Vault agent

Describe secrets caching

Be aware of identities and groups

Describe Shamir secret sharing and unsealing

Be aware of replication

Describe seal/unseal

Explain response wrapping

Explain the value of short-lived, dynamically generated secrets

Explain encryption as a service

Configure transit secret engine

Encrypt and decrypt secrets

Rotate the encryption key

View Online HashiCorp Certified: Vault Associate VA-002-P Free Dumps

1. Which of the following actions are performed during a terraform init? (select three)

A.provisions the declared resources in your configuration

B.download the declared providers which are supported by HashiCorp

C.initializes the backend configuration

D.initializes downloaded and/or installed providers

Answer: B, C, D

2. While Terraform is generally written using the HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL), what another syntax can Terraform be expressed in?





Answer: A

3. Which of the following represents a feature of Terraform Cloud that is NOT free to customers?

A.private module registry

B.VCS integration

C.roles and team management

D.workspace management

Answer: C

4. Which of the following commands will launch the Interactive console for Terraform interpolations?


B.terraform console

C.terraform cmdline

D.terraform cli

Answer: B

5. During a terraform apply, a resource is successfully created but eventually fails during provisioning. What happens to the resource?

A.Terraform attempts to provide the resource up to three times before exiting with an error

B.the terraform plan is rolled back and all provisioned resources are removed

C.it is automatically deleted

D.the resource is marked as tainted

Answer: D

6. Which of the following terraform subcommands could be used to remove the lock on the state for the current configuration?


B.Removing the lock on a state file is not possible



Answer: C